I've been keeping pics and links for Kaitlyn Mae that she would someday learn the REAL truth about a city so corrupt that all the failures of an ignored infrastructure, politicos with no character and citizens unable to save themselves brought down a great American city.
Now we re-visit it all for the two year anniversary and take a peek at the endless money hole New Orleans has become.
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A New Demographic Tackles the Mess That Is New Orleans
Dear Kaitlyn,
As is my pattern, I type these Katrina posts directly to you. For you were but a year old when a hurricane hit this country’s Gulf coast and slammed directly into New Orleans.
It was near the end of the month and that city’s welfare checks wouldn’t be coming out for a couple of days. Thousands of families with only those government handouts for income didn’t have gas to evacuate the city in advance of a storm they knew was coming for at least a week prior.
The storm hit and the city’s infamous levees broke. The hurricane itself was no big deal beyond the kind of deal a hurricane is. Those levees breaking were the real disaster. They’d been designed, or so it’s been alleged, to withstand at least a Force 3 hurricane. But with the corruption in that city, ran by Democrats for many years, goodness knows federal money allocated for levee repair was diverted to the friends of local politicos.
It was a mess, Kaitlyn, and the media managed to make the hurricane somehow the fault of the federal government! Well hell, do we expect the local recipients of all those federal funds to have an evacuation plan or something silly like that?
Thus I documented the storm, the time leading up to the storm, and the aftermath. It’s now been two years and still the lying media, who got it all wrong, “celebrate” the day that Katrina destroyed a great American city.
I’ve got a couple more stories and updates on the Katrina aftermath now some two years later. Kaitlyn, please do not let your teachers lie and deceive you. It’s why I do all this work documenting and linking the truth for you.
Interestingly, below is the first story following Hurricane Katrina that illustrate the true American spirit.
For young people looking to make a name and reputation for themselves are descending to New Orleans in droves. It’s the kind of “can-do” American spirit that made this country great.
Although it’s been two full years since this infamous storm, Kaitlyn, sadly, New Orleans still is mostly a ghost town.
From Foxnews.com:
A few years back, the big acronym was "DINK," for "double income, no kids." In New Orleans, it's “YURP, “ for "Young Urban Recovery Professionals." It's a small but growing trend in the population here in New Orleans — young professionals who have moved to the city after Katrina to help it rebuild and grow.
It didn't start as any kind of organized movement, but a group called "NOLA YURP" estimates there are at least 5,000 of these young people in the city. They range in age from 21 to 35 years old and come from all walks of life — they may be accountants or attorneys or architects. Some are young people who are from here. They may have gone to college out of state and decided to settle someplace else. Now, many are finding their way back home to help their family and their city.
The Darker Side…Two Year’s Later
From OpinionJournal.com:
President Bush is visiting New Orleans to mark the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, as are Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama, John Edwards and Hillary Clinton, and Republican candidates Mike Huckabee and Duncan Hunter. The White House will probably release a fact sheet detailing how many billions of dollars the government has spent on Gulf Coast recovery. The Democrats, no doubt, will call for more money and action. Here's hoping at least one political visitor will be brave enough to say the truth: that while many New Orleans residents are courageously taking the initiative to rebuild their homes, they cannot build an effective police and prosecutorial force on their own.
Even though the howling Democrats railed the stingy White House for denying them funds to fix the levees, it’s now two years after Katrina and per the article above, the criminals still roam New Orleans in lethal packs, demoralizing, robbing and killing those citizens trying to rebuild and return home.
Not a word of complaint is uttered about the local government’s CONTINUING inability to control crime.

New Orleans’ Property Taxes On the Rise
From Opinionjournal.com:
The second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina arrived yesterday, with the White House disclosing that U.S. taxpayers have chipped in no less than $127 billion (including $13 billion in tax relief) to rebuild the Gulf region. That's more than the GDP of most nations. But we thought we'd draw attention to a little-discussed issue in New Orleans that may well determine how many residents ever return to their homes--to wit, rising property taxes due to cleaner government, of all things.
Above yet another result of the entrenchment of a corrupt government, Kaitlyn. Now two years after Katrina, only 60% of New Orleans’ former residents have returned. To add to the woes, before Katrina the local government was so corrupt that property tax valuation was subject to much manipulation. You’d be surprised at how shaving a couple hundred bucks off a tax bill will bring in the votes.
Keep this ingrained corruption going and soon enough any attempt to turn the tide is almost impossible.
Throwing Money at the Problem
We end this two year re-visit to the after effects of Katrina with a note that the federal government is NOT guilty of ignoring New Orleans. Do not let your public school teachers tell you such a thing, Kaitlyn.
$114 BILLION, Kaitlyn. Taxpayers across this fruited plain have given $114 billion bucks to New Orleans and yet they can’t protect the few returning citizens from the criminal jackals roaming the streets of that once vibrant city.
It’s not the money, Kaitlyn. It’s the total lack of decency and leadership. There’s not enough money in the world to buy that, Kaitlyn Mae.
From the Rocky Mountain News:
Several New Orleans neighborhoods still look like a wasteland, and Tancredo says the federal government is partly to blame. It has spent about $114 billion — or around $1 billion per week — but hasn't paid enough attention to how the money has been used, he said.
Citing a Government Accountability Office report, Tancredo said potentially more than $1 billion in taxpayer money has been "squandered through waste, fraud and abuse."
Since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005 I've been keeping a separate series of the effects of the hurricane, the politics of it, the ongoing attempts to bring flooded New Orleans back to normalcy.
I documented it all from the day of the hurricane on through today. My posts are directed straight at Kaitlyn although at the time of the hurricane Kaitlyn was but a year old. It is my hope that someday Kaitlyn read the links and commentary provided to her by Grandmother that the teachers of her era do not deceive via the carefully edited school books the liberals might write about the disgrace of a city and state so corrupt that it couldn't even save its own citizens.
Below a list of the many posts on Katrina gathered and compiles for Kaitlyn since September of 2005 through to the present time.
First Katrina/Kaitlyn post-the Beginning-9/6/05
9/7/05-H urricane Folklore/Wisdom and Nastiness
9/12/05-Hillary's "Katrina Kommission" and the Debacle of the Debit cards
9/14/05-FEMA Email; Dumb, blond Louisiana Senators
9/15/05-Ophelia and Grandmother
9/16/05-Katrina and the Helpless Pets
Stop Blaming FEMA-a pictorial explanation
What Will Become of New Orleans?
Katrina Gossip
Katrina Folklore
Nagin,the refinery bill,Character
Cops and Cadillacs
Those NO Prisoners
Documenting the Thieves
Blanco and the Dead
Samaritan Helps Evacuees-Murdered!
Those Wacky Louisiana Emails
The Myth of the Bridge Sniper
As the Media Preens the Myths Are Busted
Nagin and the Phantom Police
Grandmother Is Also Fooled
A Katrina Baby Boom?
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