Goodness. There’s been yet another major hurricane to hit this country in this year of our Lord, 2005. Her name was Wilma and her appearance pretty much used up all the names for hurricanes and we’re now up to Hurricane Beta on this date in late October 2005!
Even after Katrina and Rita, Kaitlyn, people STILL do not take care of their stupid selves. For when Wilma was threatening Florida, the vilified FEMA was in position and ready with ice, water and food.
Kaitlyn, listen closely to Grandmother. Should a hurricane threaten, first fill all bath tubs you have with water. This alone will get you through almost a week for such as pet drinking water, coffee, and such. At the least this will give enough water for three days. Also, stock up on canned goods and goodness get a manual can opener Grandmother will remind.
Consider the pets and provide for them. Get a couple of Kerosene lanterns, charge up the cell phones, same with portable computers. In short get ready for a couple of days of no electricity and LIVE WITH IT.
Because the day AFTER Wilma struck, Florida residents were all lined up and complaining about how long it was taking to get the supplies FEMA was offering.
Way I figure, the silly citizens of this country who think the government exists only to save them with no effort on their part, will not be happy until FEMA shows up at their doorstep the minute the last hurricane raindrop falls, with all supplies required. FEMA will then fill the ice chests with the delivered ice, fire up taxpayer-provided generators, fix three full-course meals, monitor all health care needs. FEMA will do this for each and every citizen who made the choice to live in a Hurricane zone.
THEN those that are not the fittest and would not survive without the government’s help MIGHT be satisfied.

Blanco and the Dead Bodies
Rumors are swirling this week, Kaitlyn, that Louisiana Governor Blanco would not provide instructions for almost a week on how to dispose of the dead bodies left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
It’s probably true. Not one so-called leader in Louisiana showed one smidgeon of leadership. So the dead bodies were left to rot and decay while Edith Bunker Blanco chewed her nails and tried to decide.
They make me ill, Kaitlyn.
Pets and Disaster
I’ve made so much disasters and pets, Kaitlyn. My argument was, and still is, that provisions should be made, first by the pet owners themselves, second by emergency personnel, to provide for our pets in the event of a disaster.
Most normal humans are simply NOT going to leave their pets behind.
So I insert this article I came upon that at the very least, Kaitlyn will follow the instructions and look out for her beloved charges.
Pet preparedness: What to do before disaster strikes By Dr. Marty Becker Source: Duluth News Tribune Almost all of us live in areas that can be affected by natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes, forest fires, even ice storms and power outages. Or we may face man-made disasters from a terrorist attack. If an emergency like Hurricane Katrina were to strike your neighborhood, would you be prepared to safely evacuate your family and your pets? "It is best to be overly cautious during a disaster warning," said Dr. Henry E. Childers, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. "Even if you are told to leave your home for a 'short time,' take your pets with you. Every year lives are lost as people try to return to rescue pets or refuse to leave without their pets." Yvonne Betowt, a cat-lover and features writer for the Huntsville Times, is more prepared that a Girl Scout when it comes to her fur-family. In fact, she sets the standard. "People in Huntsville, Alabama, are very familiar with the destruction of a tornado and we don't take them lightly," she said. If Betowt is at home when a tornado threat is issued, she immediately makes room in the closet, under the stairs, in the middle of the house for her seven cats. She has five portable carriers including a giant one that can house three cats with comfort. The cats' names are listed on the carriers they go in as well as Betowt's contact information. Inside the closet with the carriers and cats are food, water, bowls, medications, empty litter box with a bag of litter; also, a pillow, blankets, a flashlight and a weather radio. If no one is home when a tornado threat is issued, Betowt does her best to get home as fast as possible. If not possible, a neighbor has a key to her house and her cell phone number in case of an emergency. While few people take the threat to pets as seriously as Betowt (who could probably run FEMA), you should. Here are some tips to help you prepare: - Have a portable carrier for each cat, small dog, bird or pocket pet. Have leashes for each dog. - Have a "Pet Emergency Kit" that contains food, water, medicines, copies of medical records, contact information for your veterinarian and pictures of your pets. Also have temporary ID tags that can quickly be filled in with local contact information for wherever you may temporarily end up. - Make arrangements with a family member, friend or neighbor who will take your companion animal if you are unable to return home. Give them an extra garage door opener, spare key or tell them where a key is hidden. - Type or print up an "Emergency Care of Companion Animals" card and place it in your wallet. The card should state the number and type of pets in your home and who should be contacted in the event you are injured or hospitalized and can't return home. It also should list contact information for your veterinarian. Small current photos of your pets are great to carry in case you get separated from your pet and need help in locating them. - If you are at home when a disaster strikes, or if you've been given warning to evacuate, neverleave your animals behind! Make arrangements to take them to a family member, a veterinary office, an animal shelter, or, ideally, take them with you. - Make sure your pets are wearing a collar and ID tag with your names and cell phone number. Better yet, make sure all your pets have microchip identification and keep the registry current. Once you get to a safe location, apply a temporary ID tag with new local contact information (hotel, shelter, good Samaritan, etc.). - Ask your veterinary hospital for a copy of the brochure, "Saving the Whole Family," or go to www.avma.org/disaster/saving--family.asp. While we're busy rescuing our pets, they are just as busy rescuing us with their ability to comfort us during difficult times. Stroking your cat, walking the dog or talking to the bird can help lower blood pressure, decrease stress and help lead us down the journey to normalcy and recovery. "If everyone is adequately educated and prepared to take care of the animals they own and evacuate them quickly," Childers added, "human lives will also be saved." |
The Katrina Political Cartoon of the Week

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