He Loves His Family
Yet his mother, father, sister and brother-in-law were found brutally bludgeoned to death in his sister’s home.
And Chicago authorities think he, Eric Hanson, did it.
Everyone’s innocent until proven guilty, of course. But it’s doubtful they’d have this guy locked up if there wasn’t substantial proof of his involvement.
We love that bit about the “police” suggesting Hanson’s involvement. Heh. One clue, Eric, would be the fact that you are in JAIL.
First Blog Post HERE on this true crime
From the Chicago Tribune:
PORTAGE, Wis. -- Quadruple homicide suspect Eric Hanson said Saturday he did not kill his parents, sister and brother-in-law, and he doesn't know who did. In his first interview since his arrest Sept. 30, at a jail in central Wisconsin, Hanson sounded alternately disbelieving and defensive as he told the Tribune he was not involved in the deaths of his relatives, whose bodies were found last month in an upscale Aurora home. "Who's saying I'm a suspect? Are police telling you that?" asked Hanson, 28, speaking through a videoconference linkup at the Columbia County Jail. "I'm just shocked that anyone would think that. ... I loved my family." |
Jury Convicts Woman for Failing to Save Child
Her attorney argues that the woman had a moral obligation, but NOT a legal one, to save the toddler who tumbled into a rain-swollen creek while in her care.
We don’t buy it. Neither did the jury.
What human being’s immediate reaction wouldn’t have been to jump into the water to try to save the child? Note I stipulate, “human being”.
This woman COULD have saved this child. She was right there when the child tumbled. In fact, several other bystanders, including one who also could not swim, tried to save the baby.
How on earth could someone stand by and watch a baby tumble away?
From the Post-Gazette.com:
Experts disagree with jury verdict against woman in boy's drowning Wednesday, October 05, 2005 By Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Standing along the bank of a rain-swollen creek, Susan Newkirk watched as the 2-year-old boy tumbled in and was swept away. She couldn't swim. Instead of diving into the raging waters after her friend's son, she yelled to his father for help. The little boy died. Certainly, her defense attorney argued during her trial for endangering the welfare of a child, his client had a moral obligation to try to save the boy. But, he continued, she did not have a legal one. The jurors judging Ms. Newkirk's case obviously disagreed when they convicted her in July. |
What Happened to Evelyn Miller?
Her mother’s fiancee is in jail on child pornography charges. Her mother gave birth to Evelyn when she was 16. The child’s biological father had complained to authorities about strange marks he found on her body during visitation. Two boys born to Noel Miller and child pornographer Casey Frederiksen. Since Evelyn’s death these boys have been removed from that home.
Pretty five-year old Evelyn was found dead in a nearby river six days after her disappearance from her home.
The Iowa Department of Human Services investigated Evelyn’s father’s complaints but found nothing.
Now the child is dead, her death ruled a homicide.
Yet another bureaucracy failed to do its job.
Evelyn Miller deserved to live.
From KWWL.com:
You Heard of the Runaway Bride?
How about the stabbed groom?
Utah resident, Kent Sadler, might have had cold feet. Or, he might have been stabbed by an attacker as he asserts.
There’s no indication of a struggle and Sadler was found at the bottom of the stairs with the knife by his side.
This case is viewed with great suspicion. At least as reported by the would-be groom.
Could the man really have stabbed himself to avoid getting married?
From the SLTRIB.com:
Stabbed Sandy groom says he 'was attacked' Kent Sadler was supposed to have been married between 5:30 and 6 p.m. Saturday when guests arrived at the site of his Layton wedding. Instead, Sadler, 24, was found about 6:20 p.m. stabbed - more than once, and in more than one place - at the bottom of a flight of stairs that lead to his Sandy apartment. He was not yet dressed for the wedding. |
Breaking-a True Crime That Will Resonate
As of this writing, late Monday, 10/17/05, there’s no reason to suspect Daniel Horowitz of the murder of his wife, Pam Vitale. Except for the nagging factoid known by so many true crime aficionados that it is almost ALWAYS the one closest to the victim who did the deed.
I’ve been reading unverified tidbits about this crime so take them for being just that.
First, Horowitz allegedly has an iron clad alibi for his whereabouts on the afternoon of the crime.
Second, Horowitz and his wife live in a strange situation, owning land with as many as four construction workers sharing the lot. Also, Horowitz purchased the lot next to the one on which he and his wife were building their dream home while living in a mobile home nearby. There’s supposedly “issues” between that lot’s former owner, allowed to live there for ten years per the terms of the sale, and Horowitz.
Third, Horowitz did have security cameras on the site but the home was not sealed tight. Allegedly instructions for overcoming the security alarm was attached right on the keypad.
The interesting thing about this murder, if nothing else, is that Horowitz is a renowned legal pundit, having appeared on CNN, Fox and other networks for his insight and wisdom. He is also considered to lean somewhat pro-defense and is well-remembered for his “defense” of Scott Peterson.
Finally, Horowitz is the lead attorney in defense of Susan Polk. Polk’s case was just this past Friday, 10/14/05, covered on NBC’s Dateline.
And what a weird case this one is. Susan is accused of murdering her husband. Her defense is that her husband was attacking her and she killed him in self-defense. Another amazing thing about the Polk case is the revelation that her husband, a Psychologist, was that he had been HER therapist when Susan was ONLY FIFTEEN!
This turn of events with Horowitz might well have some affect on this Polk case.
Stay tuned for more on this.
From CNN.com:
Coming Soon-The Trial of the Century
Just SOME of the charges:
---destroyed the marsh lands that were the source of income for Iraq’s so-called “Marsh Arabs” in retaliation for an assassination attempt.
----killed hundreds in that same village for the same reason
----attempted to deport all Iraqi Kurds to Iran
----gassed and entire Kurd village with saran gas
Oh yes, there’s plenty more. The prosecution strategy to try the dictator, who had ten palaces by the way, who needs ten palaces?, for those crimes with the MOST documented victims in one action.
Sure there’s those he dropped into an industrial shredder, ALIVE, and there’s plenty of females to testify to the “rape rooms”.
It’s just simpler, eh, to get the guy on all those Kurds he killed with saran gas, this man who had no weapons of mass destruction. Not that a coke bottle full of saran gas couldn’t take out New York city or anything and hey, he did actually USE this saran gas so what? He was no danger and had no weapons of mass destruction as the Moonbats would tell you while peeing upon your feet and telling you it’s raining?

More True Crime Updates HERE

Convention Center Truth
It’s now almost two months after Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Rita has also come and gone. Grandmother will continue to document the rebuilding of New Orleans, IF there is a rebuilding. If not, then Kaitlyn will know what happened in this once raucous but beloved American city.
They’re having one hell of a time, Kaitlyn. There’s no decent leadership. The corrupt establishment can’t be trusted again with money to squander and mis-use.
Below a story of death in the NO Convention center that is evidently true. With all the lies coming out of our current mainstream media, Kaitlyn, I must try to document the few truths as they appear.
From WWLTV.com:
Officer Ronald Mitchell shot and killed Danny Brumfield, 45, outside the convention center, the New Orleans Police Department confirmed Friday. Police said it happened about 2 a.m. Sept. 3, in the darkness before the National Guard arrived and began evacuating the convention center. A police statement released after The Associated Press asked about the shooting said that, moments after Mitchell and his partner heard what appeared to be a gunshot, a man jumped onto the hood of their patrol car swinging something shiny. It was attempted murder of a police officer, a four-paragraph news release said. By the time his body was recovered and released to his family, it was unrecognizable. "Everything you've ever seen in a horror film does not compare to that reality," Africa Brumfield said. "The only way I was able to identify him was that the position my uncle died in was entrenched on my mind." |
Another Naginhead Idea That Will Go Nowhere
Just in case New Orleans is a shiny gambling mecca when you are an adult, Kaitlyn, you will know how it all began. I don’t expect it to go anywhere but consider it documented. Mayor Nagin is full of ideas, short on action.
The Police and the Cadillacs
The media keeps trying to cover it all up, Kaitlyn.
Seems a bunch of New Orleans’ cops broke into a local Cadillac dealership and absconded with some cars. Said they needed them as their police cars were unusable.
From NOLA.com:
Riley said he was surprised to learn that “at least 40” 3rd District officers were in Baton Rouge after the hurricane. Riley said that at some point after a number of 3rd District teams were rescued from the Louisiana State University Dental School he spoke to clumps of them at the Hampton Inn and Suites on Convention Center Boulevard. “At that point they were just settling in for the evening,” he said. “A day or so later we learned they were in Baton Rouge, and they were immediately ordered to return to the city." |
A Web Site Devoted to Katrina Coverage
For you, Kaitlyn. May the link still be alive should you get a chance to research. Be aware that all of Grandmother’s documentation is saved on her own home computer.
We’ll not them change history ever again, Granddaughter.
Katrina Political Cartoon
For the political cartoonists capture reality as much as the historians.

First Katrina/Kaitlyn post-the Beginning-9/6/05
9/7/05-H urricane Folklore/Wisdom and Nastiness
9/12/05-Hillary's "Katrina Kommission" and the Debacle of the Debit cards
9/14/05-FEMA Email; Dumb, blond Louisiana Senators
9/15/05-Ophelia and Grandmother
9/16/05-Katrina and the Helpless Pets
Stop Blaming FEMA-a pictorial explanation
What Will Become of New Orleans?
Katrina Gossip
Katrina Folklore
Nagin,the refinery bill,Character

On the Commander in Chief Review
Review HERE
I find the show entertaining. Plus Gina Davis as president isn't really a woman president, it's more half man half woman. I love her to death, but um yeah. I'll be watching the show this season for sure. |
I really do enjoy the way you've taken apart both COMMANDER IN CHIEF and THE WEST WING. Bryce Zabel http://bztv.typepad.com/newsviews/ |
Yeah, I couldn't get past the premise either. A VP is chosen to help the ticket! What a shock. Something like 20% of Vice-Presidents have had to replace their Presidents, and not many of them were popular and competent. The writers have some third world idea of the US government, where a staff can bully someone out of office. |
On True Crime
True Crime Update-Ashley Smith, Taylor Behl
Great stuff. I think Lyndie England already had her baby by Grainer though. Like in January. |
The above commenter is correct. In my original post I mentioned something in passing about Lyndie England still being pregnant. A few days after the post, I saw some special or another with Lyndie and her new baby.
Interesting stuff, especially about Ms. Smith. Thanks! :) |
On So You Think You Can Dance?
Review-Fox’s Reality Dance Show
Nick is a great dancer. Blake is great too. (All the top 4 were great-Jamile maybe not so well rounded but good in his own right.) However Blake is quoted as saying he does not regret anything he said about Judge Dan Karaty and still believes what he said was true, but only that the truth came back to bite him. He also went on, in this article, to insult the vast American public who voted him off, claiming that since America voted for Bush, that Americans, in general, must be stupid. Remember-he is Candian. I mean, how imature and infantile can he be? Can't someone who voted for Kerry not have voted for him? Can't someone who voted for Bush, have voted for him? The answer to both is YES. He is cocky, self serving, arrogant curmedgeonly and just because he immigrated to America because he can't get any dance work in useless, freezing Canada means he can come down and insult anyone in a insult-fest just becuase "he didn't win". He should go back to Canada if he thinks Americans are so stupid. How absolutely insulting. He really needs to get his head checked. Because according to him, anyone who didn't vote for him is an idiot. Then to add injury to insult, he has to bring in politics-which has ZERO Place on SYTUCD? show. One of the few areas on TV where you can forget about what's going on in the world for an hour or 90 minutes and he has to have perpetual diarrhea of the mouth. Stuff your jazzshoe in it, Blake. Your attitude makes you a very ugly person and someone I would not want representing the dance community. Your attitude is poison to everyone. |
On New Orleans and Pat Fish
I have never been offered, or asserted, anywhere, that I have been offered payment for my blogging. It would be nice.
Evidently the commenter doesn’t like me. I’d argue I do back up my statements with verifiable links.
But who cares? Folk, click on by if I offend you so. It’s democracy at its purest.
New Orleans Cops
don't get upset. Patfish is a biased hack, who doesn't have the facts or courage to back up any statements she types. No one takes seriously regardless of her stories about people offering to pay for her blogging. Statements like "The Dems have often been able to invent the truth", so either her blind partisanship or complete ignorance. Both of which are harmful to the country. |
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