As the aftermath of Katrina unfolds, Kaitlyn, as is always the case in this great country, lots of folklore comes to the fore.
Below is a satirical take on Johnny Horton’s “Battle of New Orleans”. A song popular during Grandmother’s youth and one I always loved.
The original lyrics went, as a synopsis:
“In 1814 we took a little trip
to fight the bloody British on the mighty Missipp
we took a little bacon and we took a little beans
and we fought the bloody British in the town of New Orleans”
How could someone NOT do a satirical re-make of this tune in view of current events?
(after lyrics by Jimmy Driftwood, sung by Lonnie Donegan)
In August '05 we took a little trip
Volunteers and Guardsmen down the mighty Mississip.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans And we caught the bloody looters in the town of New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the looters kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin' on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
We coudn't see no cops and we couldn't see no mayor But we saw their badges lying where they threw 'em in the sewer We passed by Governor Blanco and the victims on the roofs We saw all the results of the politicians' goofs
We fired our guns and the looters kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin' on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Our leaders said we could take 'em by surprise If we didn't fire our muskets til we looked 'em in the eyes We held our fire til we seen their faces well.
Then we opened up with squirrel guns and really gave 'em... well.
We fired our guns and the looters kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin' on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Yeah, they ran through the flood and they ran through the levees Slipping on the badges of the cops-a-while-ago.
They ran so fast that the media couldn't catch 'em on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
The hurricane had left the Crescent City in a mess We need now Mayor Rudy 'cause he leads us through the stress.
He'll clear away the sludge and rebuild the shattered dreams And run for President from the town of New Orleans
We fired our guns and the looters kept a'comin.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to runnin' on down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Yeah, they ran through the flood and they ran o'er the levees Tripping on the badges of the cops-a-while-ago.
They ran so fast that the media couldn't catch 'em.
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Christopher Chantrill 9 05 05
And This …
New Orleans’ Mayor Nagin is spending so much time pointing fingers at the Feds but us idiots out here in la-la land know he blew it.
Because, Kaitlyn, THOUSANDS of school buses were destroyed by the flood waters as they sat useless and unused during the storm. Buses that could have evacuated people but, for whatever reason, were left to be destroyed.
Soon enough Kaitlyn, and I will document it here for you, the truth will come out. For now we are forced to listen to the likes of Nancy Pelosi (of California for God’s sake) rant and rave like idiots about the head of FEMA, who, they assert, should be fired.
It won’t wash, sweet Granddaughter. The American people KNOW what they saw. And we saw school buses under water while thousands suffered for days in New Orleans’ Superdome and Convention Center.
Indeed, we saw it with our own lying eyeballs.
Below a poem by an ordinary American citizen who also was not fooled.
The New Orleans mayor missed the bus,
Ordering those with cars to evacuate,
But those without to sit and wait;
To wait for busses that never came,
Never left the lot to Hizzoner's shame.
Now water swirls around their wheels
While Mr. Mayor squirms and squeals,

And points the finger everywhere,
At others who the blame should bear.
Mr. Mayor needs to show some class
Take his own advice, get off his ass;
Quit blaming others and get to work,
Stop being a finger pointing jerk;
Act like a man, not a whimpering wuss,
Who fell asleep on the job and missed his bus.
Russ Vaughn 9 06 05
Finally, There’s This
A flyer released recently advocating the overthrow of the “Bush Regime”.
You can’t make it up.

Katrina Celebrities
In due course, Kaitlyn, I will list the opportunistic celebrities who jumped on the chance to get their mug on TV during the Katrina crisis.
Some of them gave lots of money to the cause, which is fine and perhaps worth some TV face time. So far as I know, Sean Penn, former husband of Madonna and total loser, didn’t give a dime to the cause.
His story is a fine illustration of how they lie for their own benefit.
Seems the fine Mr. Penn got himself a leaky boat and decided he was going to rescue some folks trapped in New Orleans.
It was but a little thing and at that was filled with members of Penn’s entourage, including his personal photographer because hey, gotta have a personal photographer when “rescuing” people. Snork, snork.
Only the boat sprang a leak and had to be bailed out with a plastic cup.
From the HeraldSun:
Sean Penn's rescue bid sinks
Herald Sun (AU) ^ | 05sep05
EFFORTS by Hollywood actor Sean Penn to aid New Orleans victims stranded by Hurricane Katrina foundered badly overnight, when the boat he was piloting to launch a rescue attempt sprang a leak.
Penn had planned to rescue children waylaid by Katrina's flood waters, but apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of the vessel, which began taking water within seconds of its launch.
The actor, known for his political activism, was seen wearing what appeared to be a white flak jacket and frantically bailing water out of the sinking vessel with a red plastic cup.
When the boat's motor failed to start, those aboard were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down the flooded New Orleans street.
Asked what he had hoped to achieve in the waterlogged city, the actor replied: "Whatever I can do to help."
With the boat loaded with members of Penn's entourage, including a personal photographer, one bystander taunted the actor: "How are you going to get any people in that thing?"

It Gets Better
After this pathetic attempt at publicity, this idiot gets on TV and BLASTS the President of the United States with a bunch of lies!
How much credibility does this idiot have?
In California, maybe a lot. The rest of us Americans out here in la-la land, we just are not STUCK ON STUPID!
Always remember, Kaitlyn. Just because someone once starred in a movie, or in Penn’s case was once married to a star, it doesn’t make them an expert on anything.
And take everything they say with a big grain of salt. Because what they say, true or not, is almost always designed to benefit their sagging careers.
Note Penn’s bit about pulling drowning people out of the water. He couldn’t even fit a dog on that wreck of a boat of his.
From Fox News (Greta’s show)-heard with mine own ears:
Oscar-winning Hollywood actor Sean Penn, who has been assisting rescue efforts in New Orleans, said the US government did not "seem to be inclined to help".
"We were pulling drowning people out of the water, it's the ultimate distress and human suffering ... dead bodies," he told GMTV.
Penn said he had spent nine hours on Monday searching the water for people and during all that time he saw just three boats carrying US officials.
"There are people that are dying right now and I mean babies and old people and everybody in between - they're dying. There are people dying and (the US government are) not putting the boats in the water, I think that's criminal negligence. I don't think anybody ever anticipated the criminal negligence of the Bush administration in this situation."
First Katrina/Kaitlyn post-the Beginning-9/6/05
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